50 Ways To Make Money Online eBook

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Free File Fillable Forms: Federal Tax Return Rejected - Action Needed!

Free File Fillable Forms: Federal Tax Return Rejected - Action Needed!

Business Rule and / or Xpath
Possible Solution(s)
Business Rule F1040-003
If Form 1040, Line 4 checkbox "Head of household" is checked (element 'IndividualReturnFilingStatusCd' has the value 4), then one of the following fields must have a value: [ Line 4 'QualifyingNameForHOH' and Line 4 'QualifyingHOHSSN' ] , Line 6c 'NumOfChildWhoLivedWithYouCnt', or Line 6c 'NumOfOtherDepdListedCnt'.
There is a problem with your Head of Household filing status.
When Head of Household is checked (line 4), then you must enter the name and social security number of the qualifying child who is not your dependent (line 4) or have who complete line 6c with the name(s) of your dependent(s).
Before you re-submit your return, go to Step 2, scroll down and input the current date below the date of birth. The current date is the day you intend to e-file the return again.
Business Rule F1040-011
Form 1040, Line 6c(2), each 'Dependent SSN' provided must be unique among all the dependent SSNs in Line 6c(2)
Field/Xpath: /efile:Return/efile:ReturnData/efile:IRS1040/efile:DependentInformations[1]/efile:DependentSSNIssue.
Form 1040 or 1040A Dependent SSN Issue Two or more dependents SSN’s, shown on line 6c column (2), are the same. Each Dependent' SSN on the return must be a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) or Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN). Each dependent SSN, ITIN or ATIN must be unique among the other dependents SSNs, ITINs or ATINs. The dependents SSN, ITIN or ATIN cannot be the same as your SSN, ITIN or your Spouse's SSN, ITIN. Review the information on the return for accuracy. Contact the Social Security Administration if the numbers are correct. Before you re-submit your return, go to Step 2, scroll down and input the current date below the date of birth. The current date is the day you intend to e-file the return again.
Business Rule F1040-032
If Form 1040, Line 13 checkbox 'CapitalDistributionInd' is not checked and Line 13 'CapitalGainLossAmt' has a non-zero value, then Schedule D (Form 1040) must be attached.
Form 1040 – Capital Gain or Loss
When there is an entry on line 13, then you must check the box or attach a Schedule D with your return.
Before you re-submit your return, go to Step 2, scroll down and input the current date below the date of birth. The current date is the day you intend to e-file the return again.
Business Rule F1040-034-02
Form 1040, Line 62 'WithholdingTaxAmt' must be equal to the sum of the following: (1) all 'WithholdingAmt' for which 'WithholdingCd' has the value 'FORM 1099' or '1065 SCHEDULE K-1' or '1120S SCHEDULE K-1' in [OtherWithholdingStatement] attached to Form 1040, Line 62 and (2) all of the Forms W-2, Line 2 'WithholdingAmt' and (3) all of the Forms W-2G, Line 2 'FederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt' and (4) Form 8959, Line 24 'AddlMedcrRRTTaxWithholdingAmt'.When evaluating this, a tolerance of $5.00 is allowed.
Field/Xpath: /efile: Return/efile: ReturnData/efile: IRS1040/efile: WithholdingTaxAmt
There is a problem with your federal withholding. The total amount of federal Income tax withholding shown on your main 1040 form must equal the sum of federal withholding from all of your income documents.
1. Each paper W2, W2-G and 1099R you received must have a corresponding electronic W2, W2-G or 1099R. Enter the withholding amounts from these sources into Step 2 Section 2 
Box A.
2. If you have federal tax withholding from other 1099’s or K1-s, total the amount of the federal withholding from all of these sources and put the total of those federal income tax withholdings in Step 2 Section 2 Box B.
3. If you have withholding from Form 8959, enter this withholding amount into Step 2 Section 2 Box C.
Many mistakes occur because the amounts you enter for withholdings do not match the paper documents. Make sure your paper documents match what you have entered for your W-2’s, W2-G’s and 1099-R’s. Use the withholding from your paper documents when entering information into Step 2 Section 2 Boxes A and B.
Before you re-submit your return, go to Step 2, scroll down and input the current date below the date of birth. The current date is the day you intend to e-file the return again.


  1. /efile:Return[1]/efile:ReturnData[1]/efile:IRS1040[1]/efile:DependentDetail[1]/efile:DependentRelationshipCd[1]

  2. I'am doing by myself and I don't understand, but I'm going to try once agAIN

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